星际之门:亚特兰蒂斯第3季 Stargate Atlantis season 3 (2008)
英文名称:Stargate- Atlantis
演员:Torri Higginson --饰演 Elizabeth Weir 博士
Joe Flanigan -- 饰演 Col. John Sheppard 少尉
David Hewlett --饰演 Rodney McKay博士
Rachel Luttrell --饰演 Teyla Emmagan
Jason Momoa --饰演 Ronon Dex
Paul McGillion --饰演 Carson Beckett 博士
Rainbow Sun Francks --饰演 Aiden Ford 少尉
Mitch Pileggi --饰演 Steven Caldwell 上校
【类 型】:动作/科幻
【片 长】:每集45分钟左右
【首 播】:2005年7月15日
【国 家】:美国
【语 言】:英语
【字 幕】:外挂中文字幕
【文 件】:每集700MB
【压缩格式 】:XVID 1991 Kbps
亚特兰蒂斯小队遭遇古代人类文明的袭击...包括不断威胁人类生命无处不在的新敌人——The Wraith.
Elizabeth Weir博士是亚特兰蒂斯小队的队长,她是一个外交关系专家。她拥有出色的政治才能,但在军事上喜欢虚张声势,在军队里面担任少校之职。John Sheppard是一个天资聪颖的驾驶员。陆军少尉Aiden Ford担任副驾驶员,他是一个年轻热情的军官。Rodney McKay博士是一个聪明机智的天体物理学家,曾在星际之门司令部任职。飞船上还有一位朋友——Teyla,她是天马星系人,Arhosian人年轻漂亮的领袖,与亚特兰蒂斯小队一起跟The Wraith战斗。
在新的一季中加入了许多新面孔,他们之中最引人注意的是Ronan Dex,一个为了捍卫自己的星球而与The Wraith抗争7年的天马星系人。还有地球最新型的银河战斗巡洋舰Daedalus--代达罗斯号的司令官,Steven Caldwell上校。
The Lost City of Atlantis Has Been Found!
A secret group of scientists have discovered the location of the famous lost city of Atlantis, but it's not on Earth. It's located in another galaxy altogether, the Pegasus galaxy. Stargate Atlantis, a spin-off from the highly successful Stargate SG-1 series, follows a multinational scientific and military group, lead by Diplomat Dr. Elizabeth Weir (played by actress Torri Higginson), headed on a one way trip to Atlantis. Their mission: to investigate the secrets of Atlantis, a city now known to have been built by ancient powerful beings, and bring whatever they discover back to Earth. They will be all on their own, with no means to return, with no means of rescue or support, unless they can find the technology they need in Atlantis to return them to Earth.
Once in Atlantis, the group finds the city abandoned; asleep for tens of thousands of years, and no power source left for a return home. They must find a power source within Atlantis' own Pegasus galaxy using the same stargate system that got them there or they will be stranded forever. On the first planet they visit, they accidentally waken a new, powerful, and more evil enemy than human kind has ever faced, the Wraith. And the Wraith are hungry – for humans!
Follow the extraordinary adventures of an SGA team lead by Major John Sheppard (played by actor Joe Flanigan), and his team made up by his second in command Lt. Aiden Ford (played by actor Rainbow Sun Francks), and the Astrophysicist/Scientist Dr. Rodney McKay (played by actor David Hewlett, reprising the role he played in Stargate SG-1). Joining the team will be Teyla Emmagan (played by actress Rachel Luttrell), a beautiful, exotic, and strong-willed woman from the Pegasus galaxy.