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标题: 天才少女的原创伤感情歌 [打印本页]

作者: leecapacity    时间: 2009-7-21 20:23     标题: 天才少女的原创伤感情歌

Tonya Mitchell-Stay

tonya mitchelltonya mitchell  Tonya Mitchell,一个仅仅18岁的美国小女生,同样也天真活泼、同样也怀揣着明星梦的小女生,能创作能编曲能跳舞,可谓又是一个小才女!她所唱的这首stay,是80年代的民谣的翻唱版本,贯穿全曲的吉他,优美的编曲和和声,使得这首歌充满了浓浓的情谊和忧伤,我一开始真的没想到这是出自一个年仅18岁的小女生,可见她在音乐的演绎上的成熟、到位!!
  柔美的情歌,舒缓的民谣都能情意打动她的心。每只单曲都是为了 商业的top 40精心打造的。经过巧妙的安排和编配,Mitchell在歌曲中有深情款款的演唱,“blue-eyed"式的灵乐加入也让冰 冷的电子别有感觉,加上出色的器材运用,让她的专辑显得很优秀。单曲"stay"是80年Chris Cross民谣的翻唱,是失真吉他,豪华编曲,忧伤背景的巧妙融合。"a little too late"和”i cry real tears"是两首情歌,歌词中暗示了主唱Mitchell自己爱情的失意。专辑同名曲和"broken promises"是对Madonna的回忆,是Mitchell年轻和叛逆的象征。不止是孩子,成年人也会渐渐欣赏metch ell在作曲和演唱上的成熟感觉。
  一个明星在1982年8月21日诞生了,她就是来自田纳西州小 镇的tonya jean mitchell。“音乐充满了我的生活” tonya回忆到。在7岁时她发表了第一张作品,tonya从小伴 著名歌星的歌曲长大,像debbie gibson, mariah carey, whitney houston 等许多歌手。15岁时年纪青青的tonya在 田纳西州的小型慈善活动表演时被justin timberlake的祖 父发现,随后和lynn harless的经济公司签约开始她的星 路历程。接着她才2001年发行了一张名为“i represent” 的唱片,她开始到各个国家做宣传表演,还和*nsync在 2001 pop odyessy做巡演。“tonya是个才华横溢的女孩, 我们都为她而感到骄傲!”tonya的母亲这样说道。 小tonya知道她的幸运很快就要转变了,2001年7月,她的 父亲"cowboy louie mitchell"去世了,对她来说是个巨大 的打击。“事情并不是想的那么糟,你不得不接受上帝给 你的一切,而且你永远都控制不了他给你的东西”tonya说道。2002年tonya找到了她托付一生的伴侣随即步入了结婚 礼堂,2004年又迎来了他们第一个孩子。“生活在极短的
  时间被改变了真的很值得惊喜,我又一次体会了快乐” tonya说道。 享受了家庭喜悦的tonya,精神饱满的准备向世界展现她的 才华了。 tonya加入了一个娱乐节目开始她新的事业。 onya用“惊喜”来描述她的事业,!i'm having a blast!"
  Tonya在7岁时她发表了第一张作品,从小伴著名歌星的歌曲长大,15岁时年纪青青的tonya在田纳西州的小型慈善活动表演时被justin timberlake的祖父发现,随后和lynn harless的经济公司签约开始她的星路历程。接着她才2001年发行了一张名为“i represent”的唱片,她开始到各个国家做宣传表演,还和*nsync在 2001 pop odyessy做巡演。“tonya是个才华横溢的女孩,我们都为她而感到骄傲!”tonya的母亲这样说道.小tonya知道她的幸运很快就要转变了,2001年7月,她的父亲"cowboy louie mitchell"去世了,对她来说是个巨大的打击。“事情并不是想的那么糟,你不得不接受上帝给你的一切,而且你永远都控制不了他给你的东西”tonya说道.2002年tonya找到了她托付一生的伴侣随即步入了结婚礼堂,2004年又迎来了他们第一个孩子。“生活在极短的时间被改变了真的很值得惊喜,我又一次体会了快乐” tonya说道。
  关于影片:故事是在一部美国电影里面,讲述了一个叛逆的皇家少年,抛弃贵族生活去追求音 乐。在卖唱的过程中,他认识了一个美丽的平民姑娘,他们相爱了。由于门第的悬殊,他们被迫分开,但最后爱情让他们终于走在了一起 。这是个很美丽的爱情故事,故事里面有首歌就叫stay,是男主人公为爱人谱写的优美的旋律。。今天听到了这首Tonya Mitchell演唱的stay,我不确定是不是这首歌曲。。但它的确让我找到了曾经的感动。
  "stay"是美国新进女歌手Tonya Mitchell 翻唱 自80年民谣歌手Chris Cross的歌曲,熟悉的旋律,似曾相似的歌词,柔美的旋律,舒缓的节奏,Tonya Mitchell用她18岁女孩早熟的嗓音重新演绎了一段令人感动的爱情故事。
  补充,很多人听了她美丽的歌声,应该都会奇怪,为什么后来这么前途无量的歌星淡出了人们的视线。下面是英文的补充。主要是说,环球演艺公司和她中断了续约,还有父亲去世的打击,让她知道了亲情的可贵。也许"Stay" with her Famliy才是她真正的归宿.以下引自 Wikipedia
  The End Of An Era
  On November 12, 2001, Tonya was dropped from Universal Records. Soon to follow, in early 2002, the record companies stopped returning calls and emails from Mitchell's management. Tonya's father, Cowboy Louie Mitchell, decided to take it upon himself to help his daughter get back into the public eye once more and get her signed again. He died in July 2001.
  Following the heartache of losing her father, Tonya was soon released from the contract with JustinTime Entertainment in early 2003. It was then that Mitchell decided she needed a break from the business. She needed some time to spend by herself to truly sit down and work on things in her own life as well as spend some much needed time with her family.
Life Back In The Spotlight: 2006-2008

  In August 2005, Tonya signed with her new management company, Brand-On Entertainment. She started recording a month later. Along with BAD GIRL, Mitchell has also released Shy Role, Sometimey Friend, Miss It, Blah Blah Blah and "Yes I Will" as well as recording a jingle for Monster Energy drink. In late 2007, Tonya was no longer signed to a management company.
  In Fall of 2008 Tonya announced that she is no longer actively pursuing a music career.
Personal life

  Tonya married Jason Essary in 2002. In March 2004, Tonya gave birth to their daughter, Scarlett. They currently reside in Tennessee

I've must have been blind
not to see you look away from me
whenever you say you love me still
i must have been crazy
not to see you slip away from me
day after day there's a space to fill
and i can't find the words,to make you fall in love with me agian
and i can't find the strength to let you go oh oh
and when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one

even if there's nothing left for us to say
as sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye
even if we go are separate ways
in my heart you'll always stay

been spending my time
to try to remind you of our love
but you're pulling away with every touch
with all we've been though

i'd never thought i'd be losing you
and i would give everything to keep you here
but i can't (but i can't) find the words to make you fall in love
and i can't find the strength to let you go oh oh
and when it's all said and done,you'll be the only one
我没有让你留下的勇气 当所有的即如所说,你将是唯一
even if there's nothing left for us to say (nothing left to say)
as sure as the sun will rise i can never say goodbye
even if we go are separate ways (ooh)
in my heart you'll always stay
i,i,i still believe our love meant to be oh
and it will be here forever come one day (come,one,day) ooh ohoh
即使我们之间没有什么好说的 就算日头下山我也绝不说再见
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