AM: Okay. So, just to clarify why I was coming out right now. You and I spoke; this had to get out now because time is of the essence. False flag operations are going to be happening more, not just in the United States, but in other countries that are having direct involvement with the Gulf of Aden and Yemen
AM: Okay. So,只是为了澄清我为什么此刻要站出来。你和我说话;这些信息必须从现在开始就要泄露、散发出去,因为时间是最重要的(很紧迫)。假标记行动(高层精英精心伪造的恐怖事件——以增强自己的军事力量;深层透析:现在的军队已隶属于政府,不属于国家和人民)会越来越多地发生,不只会发生在美国,还会发生在其他与亚丁湾和也门有着直接牵连(参与)的国家(包括中国)。
I will not be surprised if we will see some more bombings or terrorist attacks happen in places, like in Yemen itself. It’s going to happen in Yemen, because they need that to get the masses to support what they’re doing so that there isn’t questioning.
如果我们将来看到更多爆炸或恐怖袭击发生在各个地方,比如就在也门(共和国),我不会感到奇怪 。它将会发生在也门,因为他们需要那些爆炸或恐怖袭击事件来获得民众的支持--支持他们所做的其他事情(包括一切机密行动和项目)以至于再也没有来自群众质问的声音。(——相信这也是至少很大一部分爆炸等恐怖袭击事件的最终目的)
This is all happening to build up justification, like what happened with 9**11. They need this justification, so people don’t question, so you continue to be sheep, so that they can finally go to war – the “new war on terrorism”. Yemen is ground zero for that.
所有这是发生的都是为了建立起一个正当理由,就像911(被美国高层精英精心策划而)发生的目的一样,他们需要这个理由,这样人们就不再质问,这样你就会继续是胆小鬼,以便他们能最终去打仗--新的“反恐战争”。也门则是“反恐战争”的新起点|着地点。(参考译注:归零地(Ground Zero):归零地指 “911恐怖袭击”中倒塌的世界贸易中心遗址)
Why is this happening? It’s happening because of this stargate that’s just off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden. Why are they doing this? I’ve given my two theories: Theory one, we have friendly extraterrestrials that have opened it for a reason. What that reason is yet? I do not know. But this will not be the last; I’m working on... You know, I’m not stopping after this. I’m going to be digging very deep. I’m going to be continuing working on this, and as I get new information you’ll be getting the information, everything I get, Kerry.
Is this friendly ETs that have opened it up for some reason? That could be. And it could be that now we have, really, the major heavy-hitter countries from all over the world, who have brought in warships – not cargo ship?, but warship? – by the masses that are literally in this giant circle that have created this perimeter.
Why is there scientific research there? A certain doctor who attempted ?uicide – oh yes! – that worked directly for this research company said: The world needs to know! And all of a sudden unexplainably went crazy and tried to kill herself... who worked for a company that the information has gotten out that are doing research on combining alien and human DNA.
KC: Okay. So... now, I have to tell you that last night we had contact with a whistleblower, and this is just one of those synchronicities that goes on with Project Camelot. Today we’re having this interview with you, this was planned ahead, and last night inadvertently we got in touch with a whistleblower who has worked for the military – actually, Space Command – and were talking about the Gulf of Aden.
KC: Okay. So... 现在,我必须要告诉你,昨晚我们已经接触了一个告密者,这仅仅是与我们卡米洛特工程(Project Camelot)具有的同步性之一。今天我们有这次与你会面的机会,当然这是与你提前计划好的,昨晚我们在无意中接触了一个告密者,他曾为军队工作——实际上是在“空间指令”(Space Command)工作——他也跟我们谈论了亚丁湾的事。
I didn’t get all of the information, even though we talked for like, six hours, and we will release that pretty soon, that interview. He was talking about synthetic beings, synthetic robots, for all intents and purposes.
我并没有得到他的所有信息,尽管我们谈了好像有..6个小时,我们将在不久之后就发表关于他的访谈内容 。他跟我们谈论的是合成(/人造的)生物、合成(/人造的)机器人,为了所有的意图和目的。
Project Camelot was in touch with a secret source last night who was talking about synthetic beings and basically, I guess, some form of biological robot, I guess, that are being created. And some which may be also coming here, in other word?.
我们卡米洛特(揭秘)工程昨晚是跟一个秘密来源接触的,谈论了被创造出来的合成生物,从根本上来说上,我猜,其实是某种形式的生物机器人(biological robot),我猜。以及一些可能也正在来到这儿(发生) 的东西, 换句话说。
But he was talking about these beings that were created, in association, “on Atlantis” who were then taken off-planet to another planet and allowed “to develop.” Basically they developed themselves. However, they’re synthetic; for all intents and purposes, they don’t have a soul; and that they are now, for some reason, returning to our planet, and that they are, let’s say, “not happy.”
This is the testimony from our witness, so it just dovetails in a very interesting way. Now, this person was not able to say whether they had arrived yet. I think that he was indicating that they had not. But I’d have to go back over the transcript to verify that.
AM: From the information that I’ve been able to gather, my intuition says that they are currently arriving because of the huge electromagnetic anomaly that happened specifically on January 5th of this year, 2010.
KC: Okay. Are you talking about the blue spiral over Norway?
AM: There has been speculation that that blue spiral... and other spirals have been showing up over Norway. Could that be related to this? It could be. I don’t have enough information to say yes or no. I would not be surprised, though, if in some way it has direct relation to it. I would not be surprised, but I don’t want to say absolute.
KC: Okay.
AM: I’ll allow people to do their own research and I’m going to continue to do my research.
It’s interesting what you just mentioned about the soul-less beings because the project that I was mainly a part of, the project that I was, in reality, from the time I was a child, was prepared for – and again, we’ll get into that on the next interview – Project Seagate.
Project Seagate was a major project with a huge underground base location and they were working on many different sub-projects. Project Seagate is almost like a sub-version of MK Ultra.
希捷工程是一个重大的工程项目,它有一个巨大的地下基地位置,那里的人员工作在许多不同的次级项目中。希捷工程几乎就像一个思想控制脑控(MK Ultra)的次级(附属)版本。
Project Seagate: one location that had many sub-projects, everything from the human / dolphin / Super Soldier program, to an Omega Program where they were making soul-less beings for remote viewing and actual, via the Seagate, being able to put people – and yes, this is real people – their astral self, their energy, their soul, into one of these robots for covert operations, so that if the body gets killed, they are able to extract and put it in.
希捷工程:有着许多分支/次级项目的研究基地,(研究内容)从对于人类或海豚超级战士的规划,到所谓的那个“终极规划(Omega Program)”;在这里,他们创造无灵魂生命用于遥视任务,实际上,通过希捷海上星门(工程),他们还能够把人——是的,我指的是真正的、实际的人(包括他们的精神自我、他们的能量、他们的灵魂)——放进一个机器人里面,这些都是 [军事]隐秘行动;这样的话,即使身体(肉体)被杀死了,他们能够(把原来的灵魂、能量等从机器人里面)取出来,再把它(新的灵魂、能量)放进去。(呀!!阿凡达!!!!)
I have people that I know that this has happened to, and we have absolute evidence of this happening.