贴个视频和歌词上来..要了解乐队 Baidu百科 搜一下Placebo就可以了,我就不多说了
《Twenty years》歌词大意:
There are twenty years to go/仍然拥有二十年的时光
And twenty ways to know/二十种方式去知道
Who will wear/谁会
Who will wear the hat/谁会带上那顶帽子
There are twenty years to go/仍然拥有二十年的时光
The best of all I hope/希望美好的生活会降临
Enjoy the ride/就像享受巡演
The medicine show/好好珍惜
Them's the breaks/就在那是一切中止
For we designer fakes/因为我们撒了谎
We need to concentrate/我们必须去注意
On more than meets the eye/那些隐藏在背后的真相
There are twenty years to go/仍然拥有二十年的时光
The faithful and the low/那将会是平凡的,可靠的
The best of starts/那将会是最好的开端
The broken heart, the stone/也是心破碎,成为化石
There are twenty years to go/仍然拥有二十年的时光
The punchdrunk and the blow/酒醉后的消沉与破灭
The worst of starts/那是最坏的开始
The mercy part, the foam/或者是同情,一切化为泡沫
Them's the breaks/突然间一切中止
For we designer fakes/因为我们撒了谎
But it's you I take/但我仍然选择你
Because you're the truth not I/因为你才是真相,而我不是
There are twenty years to go/仍然拥有二十年的时光
A golden age I know/我知道那是黄金年代
But all will pass/但一切都会消逝
Will end too fast, you know/结束的太快
There are twenty years to go/仍然拥有二十年的时光
And many friends I hope/希望能有很多朋友
Though some may hold the rose/虽然他们有些拿着玫瑰给你祝福
Some hold the rope/有些却拿着绳索
That's the end/那是结束
and that's the start of it/也是一个开始
that's the whole/那是全部
and that's the part of it/抑或只是一个部分
that's the high/那是兴奋
and that's the heart of it/抑或只是本质
that's the long/那将会是漫长的
and that's the short of it/或许又是短暂的
that's the best/那是最好的
and that's the test in it/只有检验后才知道
that's the doubt/那是一种疑惑
the doubt, the trust in it/信任在怀疑中
that's the sight/那是我们所能看见的
and that's the sound of it/也只是我们所能听见的
that's the gift/那是一个礼物
and that's the trick in it/但里面藏着诡计
You're the truth Not I..... /因为你是真相,而不是我。