tim_wu 发表于 2008-7-5 13:26 只看TA 1楼 |
新上海 新爵士—More than Jazz: Shanghai Jazz ![]() In the colourful cabarets and sepia-lit dance halls of Old Shanghai, Jazz music set the background score to a fleshy world of mobsters, adventurers, and sing-song girls. Old Shanghai was the uncontested Jazz capital of Asia, where musicians from the World over tested their musical mettle nightly to the delight of enthusiastic audiences. In 1935, Du Yu Sheng, the notorious overlord of Shanghai's ominous "Green Gang" ordered into creation the first all-Chinese jazz group, called "The Clear Wind Dance Band", to perform at the Yangtze River Hotel Dance Hall. Critics called this music ‘pornographic,’ but the band played on just the same. The wheels of time brought Shanghai's heady heyday to an end as the once-bustling nightclubs were boarded up or converted into Communist factory buildings, and Jazz music was outlawed as an 'indecent' form of entertainment...Until Now. (Read The Full Story) The Album: "Shanghai Jazz: Musical Seductions from China's Age of Decadence" features classics like “De Bu Dao De Ai Qing” (The Love you Can’t Get), delivered through the titillating gravel-voice of ‘Ginger’ Zheng ZhiXiao. Things get jumping with tunes like the riotous “Wo Yao Ni De Ai” (I Want Your Love)—charged with life and humor by the confidently flamboyant ‘Coco’ Zhao Ke, and closes with a bittersweet version of “Qing Ren de Yan Lei” (Lovers Tears) sung with heart-wrenching compassion by ‘Carrie’ Zhang Le. In total “Shanghai Jazz” contains contributions from a cast of more than twenty talented young Chinese musicians, the leaders of an exciting jazz revival amidst the dramatic social and economic reform of the New Shanghai. AUDIO:: 1.给我一个吻 (Give Me a Kiss) Playing Time: 3 Minutes, 40 seconds File Size: 1724K Vocalist: Coco Zhao Ke ![]() A Chinese favorite based on the music of Patsy Cline's early 50's Hit "Seven Lonely Days" with a new title and lyrics. [wmv]http://www.shjazz.com/downloads/geiwo.mp3[/wmv] 下载地址:http://www.shjazz.com/downloads/geiwo.mp3 2.茉莉花(Jasmine Flower) Playing Time: 2 Minutes, 55 seconds File Size: 1375K Vocalist: Carrie Zhang Le ![]() A very familiar melody and traditional song, originally from Jiangsu Province, near Shanghai. Jazzed up with Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone and Violin such that some have said it even sounds a bit Braziian! [wmv]http://www.shjazz.com/downloads/molihua.mp3[/wmv] 下载地址http://www.shjazz.com/downloads/molihua.mp3 Video:: SHANGHAI JAZZ VIDEO CLIP Playing Time: 4 Minutes File Size: 40.1 MB A 'trailer-style' overview of Shanghai Jazz beginning with an introduction of the Original CLear Wind Band in 1935, and progressing through the band performing a medley of three songs from the album: [wmv]http://www.shjazz.com/downloads/shjazztrailer.mpg[/wmv] ![]() 下载地址:http://www.shjazz.com/downloads/shjazztrailer.mpg [ 本帖最后由 tim_wu 于 2008-7-5 13:32 编辑 ] |
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bitian 发表于 2008-7-8 17:03 只看TA 3楼 |
More Than Jazz 中文称为“不完全爵士”。是一个在上海推广爵士的节目。爵士的优雅、悠闲、流畅与今人追求的节奏和朗朗上口有些区别。从Tim的感慨就可以看到喜欢爵士的并不多,所以才会有“不完全爵士”这挡推广概念爵士的节目。 《不完全爵士》(More Than Jazz)讲的是爵士乐,所包含的却比爵士乐更多。这是中国大陆第一家专门讲爵士乐的节目。它结合上海独特的历史文化背景与艺术欣赏习惯,针对正日益走向社会主流的学历较高、对电视文艺节目有较高鉴赏需求的英语或双语、白领或金领人群,深层次、全方位地对爵士乐以及其他各种音乐类型进行描绘与诠释,全心打造一个宽泛与包容的“大爵士”的音乐概念。 《不完全爵士》对爵士乐的渊源作真实回顾,邀请专业乐手从内行的视角看待音乐巨人们的传奇人生,解读他们的经典之作。每星期都会有国外或本土的优秀乐队来到节目中作客并作现场表演。精心设置的Jazz Tips小栏目是个不容错过的趣味看点,资深乐手在镜头前生动自然地演示与爵士乐有关的概念、技巧或者乐器,使观众在短时间内即有洞其究竟之感。 除爵士之外,各种音乐艺术形式都能在《不完全爵士》找到卓越的施展空间。国际的,国内的,非爵士,泛爵士的优秀乐队在这里得以自由演绎各种原创音乐。客座《不完全爵士》的乐手们常说:爵士乐从来就是“More Than Jazz”,因为它每天都在和不同形式的音乐相交融着,而且每天都在演变着 ― 爵士乐永远都是新的。 《不完全爵士》所力图呈现的正是这种全新与包容。 |
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